Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy New Year?

CONTEST - I NEED YOUR HELP. I will be giving online and face-to-face three hour workshops starting in March. These will be on more communication tasks like "How to Repair Your Reputation with Your Boss", "How to Communicate your Strategy" or "How to Communicate with Engineers". Send me your ideas. IF I USE YOUR IDEA YOU WILL GET A FREE SEAT TO THE WORKSHOP!

Just write me at RIGHT NOW with something you'd like to learn how to communicate. DO IT RIGHT NOW.

I was reminded by several long time readers over the last week that I am late on the first newsletter of 2011, so I posted one this week and promise you all that I hope to be "tardy no more" this year.

The Pathfinder message is getting out and I should have figured it would - you help people communicate and they communicate about YOU!

BOY, has it been busy. I even had to hire a helper to help me get out from my backlog. Lucky me. I hope things pick up for all of you. The last two months have brought opportunity beyond my dreams.
  • I accepted an invitation to sit on the Business Advisory Council for UCSD extension and am looking forward to our first meeting.
  • I am putting together an online class for UCSD on Persuasion and Influence for Quality and Process Improvement Professionals.
  • I am working with a committee within the American Society for Quality at the national level to write a Body of Knowledge for Teamwork Excellence, and create a certification program for that Body of Knowledge.

Insist on great business results! Go to Pathfinder Communication


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