We develop an impression of others pretty quickly, and we
are wired to be flexible with the first impression IF we see evidence that we
are wrong (“when I first met her, she seemed a little ditzy, but I could see
after just one real conversation that she was better versed than I on a lot of
subjects”). If evidence indicates we are right (and sometimes, if we just NEED
to be right) our impression will develop into something stronger (like an
opinion) and we may even “upgrade” its status to a “fact”. My point is that how
people perceive us can be controlled.
It is easiest to influence their perceptions at the
beginning of a relationship because we are wired to be flexible at first and
become more rigid as we find evidence. We even refer to the process as
“forming” an opinion. If someone is forming an opinion about us, WE are the
source of the evidence. And even if they know something about us from a
different source, we provide the evidence that they can use to modify that
opinion of us, until their judgment of us is aligned with the evidence they
This sounds like an opportunity to “pretend to be someone
that you aren’t”, but it isn’t. It is an opportunity to determine behaviors
that may be holding you back (or coloring people’s perception of you in an
unflattering way) and tailoring them to portray your true feelings and thoughts
in a way that they can easily understand them. That is, to be more transparent
and accessible, less cryptic.
In short we can present ourselves in a way that promotes
productive and beneficial working relationships without being false or fake in
any way – just by have the a full understanding of how we actually feel, and
how to communicate that to the world. I will make some suggestions as to how
excellent communicators and leaders typically feel about relationships and
common ways those feelings manifest themselves. You MUST tailor these to suit
who you are – you should seldom use someone else’s words to express your own
feelings. NOTE - beware self-help advice
that offers you “scripts” – if your words don’t align with your feelings and
actions, the people you are trying to communicate with will identify you as a
fake. Think of the people you have known whose words didn’t align with their
actions. How did you feel about them?
My suggestions (from the last newsletter) were as
Giving the benefit of the doubt as far as our
counterpart’s motives
Using inquiry like a journalist would and
listening to answers
Working actively to prevent defensiveness
Being honest and explicit
I will expand a
little on those and give you an overview of a model I named THE SCORE to help
you remember the elements.
The objective is to be a person that does not promote
defensiveness in others. Defensiveness is the primary reason that people are not
open and honest at work – they think what they say will somehow cause them
trouble, so they “defend” against that trouble in a MYRIAD of ways. My method
(THE SCORE) is a method that requires only three things:
You know what makes for good communication
Adjust YOUR way of communicating to conform with
those rules (in YOUR unique way), and
Facilitate other people in communicating in that
same way (usually, without them knowing it).
I will teach you these things, so don’t worry that you
don’t know them now – you will over the next few weeks. As you begin to
practice them, others will just see you as the kind of person they can talk to
about anything and it will seem natural to do so. They will feel that way
because you will SHOW them that you are that kind of person.
Some of the ways we promote defensiveness in others are
listed in the table below. Ways to PROMOTE DEFENSIVENESS (detract from good
communication) are in the first two columns). Ways to INHIBIT DEFENSIVENESS
(encourage good communication) are in the last two columns.
Example Behaviors that Promotes
Common Names for Bad Behavior
Behavior to Inhibit Defensiveness
Common Names for Good Behavior
Acting as if your ideas are fully formed, vetted, and
can’t be improved upon. Input or
critique is not welcomed
Arrogance, Closed-mindedness
Explicitly stating that our ideas have some room for
improvement. Use other’s involvement in the formulation of ideas to create
Tentativeness; Humility
Ignoring or arguing with the feelings or opinions of
others such that you indicate that they don’t matter (or don’t exist)
Self-centered; Isolated; “Steamroller”; Disconnected
Explicitly demonstrating an understanding of the
feelings and opinions of others, considering them, and expressing that they are important;
Speaking kindly, giving the benefit of the doubt
Empathetic; Fair-minded
Using vocabulary or terms that is not familiar to the
person with whom we are trying to communicate; or using vocabulary that is
aimed below their level of capability
Snobbish; Show-off; Talking Down; Confusing
Using vocabulary chosen specifically for the people
with whom we are communicating (defining unfamiliar acronyms, using two
syllable words, explicitly asking for understanding, watching non-verbal cues
for confusion)
Simple; Clear; Meaningful
Using prepared “boilerplate” information that doesn’t
take the specific audience into account; Using words to manipulate; offering
weak excuses
Insincere; Manipulative; Dishonest; Condescending
Speak from the heart, being kind and honest ; being
fair and firm
Telling rather than asking; listening
Closed minded; Disconnected; Rude
Asking questions, including follow-up questions to
Acting as if your ideas are fully formed, vetted, and
can’t be improved upon. Input or
critique is not welcomed; Cutting others off
Closed minded; Arrogant; Rude;
Sharing the weak points of your own position; asking
for suggestions; listening summarizing to assure understanding; weighing
trade-offs; changing your mind when warranted
Cutting others off; insulting; dismissing their ideas
without reasoning
Disrespectful; Rude
Listening; fully considering proposed ideas; giving
reasons for disagreement
Holding multiple discussions at a time; not focusing
one someone speaking to you; multitasking (phone, email) while someone is
discussing something important with you
Disrespectful; Disengaged; Disingenuous
Focusing your attention on your counterpart;
rescheduling discussions based on their priority in order to give attention
I suggest you look through the first two columns to identify
the things that POOR COMMUNICATORS IN YOUR LIFE currently do that detract from
good communication. It is usually easiest to see these things in others,
especially those that already bother us. Then look at what GOOD BEHAVIORS they
would have to implement to improve the situation. Wouldn’t things be better if
they would do them?
Then look through the first two columns looking for
things that YOU might do. I found it useful in my life to ask people if they
thought any of the names in the second column applied to me. I wouldn’t ask
them to explain, and I wouldn’t try to tell them they were wrong, or give
excuses….. I would just thank them. Then I would practice the behaviors in the
last two columns that were prescribed. It is difficult for people to tell us
our short comings (unless they trust us). If you find that your circle of
co-workers find you perfect, you need to search yourself. Are they just afraid
to tell you the truth? If you are truly perfect, then I need you as a mentor.
THE SCORE is a model that I created that stands for:
Simplicity (and Sincerity)
The right hand column in the table above corresponds with
the model elements. We will go into detail on these elements next time.
Insist on great business results! Go to Pathfinder Communication
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