Defensiveness is not productive. May seem obvious once it
is said like that, but making something explicit isn’t such a bad thing –
especially if something is not obvious to the person you are speaking to.
Defensiveness is the normal and correct action when someone is feeling
Notice I didn’t say being attacked – I said FEELING
I have found many times that, in my distant past, I was capable
of feeling attacked when, in reality, I was not. I have certainly had people
tell me (again in the past) that they felt I was attacking them when I wasn’t.
When I felt attacked, I would demonstrate all sorts of clever behaviors to
distance myself from the perceived danger – but whatever behavior I chose, the
lack of safety I felt would KILL my willingness to continue honestly and openly
continuing with the discussion. My goal was to get out alive.
So – communication stops being productive when either
party feels a lack of trust or safety in the environment.
There are other elements of a productive communication
environment than the risk of attack, of course. What if the other person isn’t
attacking us at all – but we don’t believe that they care about what we’re
saying? Or that they do care, but they aren’t open to try anything other than
their current idea? That doesn’t feel very productive, and we may act out when
we sense this happening (acting out unspoken feelings is the whole basis of the
study of body language, by the way – we all do it). Sometimes we act out
verbally, too, and if the other person feels attacked by this, things spiral
the wrong way.
A productive communication environment is one in which:
It is safe to tell the truth
We intend to arrive at the conclusion that satisfies
our most important objectives
We intend to arrive at the conclusion that is
not objectionable to any stakeholder
One of the ways we can make the communication environment
productive is be explicit about these things and mean them. To ENSURE that
everyone in the conversation knows EXPLICITLY (by saying it) that it is safe to
tell the truth hear – we need to be free to share exactly what we think. I know
how scary that sounds (and I know why you picture the conversation immediately
turning into a fight) when you think of saying it, but sometimes it’s best to
make it obvious, and this is one of those times.
Once you and the people you are speaking with believe the
three bullets I wrote above, then you (not they) need to know how to facilitate
that conversation. I say “you” because it only takes ONE competent communicator
in the room to handle most any situation, and I have picked YOU to be the
competent communicator.
Insist on great business results! Go to Pathfinder Communication
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